All in a day

What a day, what a day.

Applied to 12 more jobs.  Scheduled an interview for Friday, took the next steps for another job that I actually think would be amazing… next step I think is scheduling an interview once they process the paperwork.  & then there was the interview….

I can do this…

Oh sometimes you just have to step back & think… this just isn’t for me.  If my life was a sitcom, that one would certainly have been the most hilarious part of the day.  For their sake, I really hope it was just a really bad day at the office & that isn’t the norm around there.  Sadly I can’t take that chance.  PASS. If I wanted to move to negativity & stressed out city, then I could completely have taken them up on it.  But you know I prefer positivity.

So off to one of my favorite private meditation rooms – the tanning bed.  I missed it so.  Full body heating pad & a chance to relax in a warm quiet room.  Plus if I get an ok base tan I will refrain from getting burnt if I spend over 20 minutes in the sun.

Maybe it was the heat of the day, the stress of the interview chaos or just that so many thing are changing, but I found myself doing something I never thought I would do again.  I BOUGHT MYSELF a pint of ice cream.

the start of it all

Its official I no longer hate ice cream.  I totally blame the free gelato at Pizzetta’s for this change.  The reconciliation with ice cream is goooood.  So far Ben & Jerry may be the most perfect guys for me.  But no worries, I won’t be downing a carton at midnight watching sad lifetime movies anytime soon.  Promise not to be that cliche.

Course tonight the guys at Pizzetta’s surprised me with this….

…OMG nutella & a strawberry rose… aww…

DELISH!  As if the garlic knots & BBQ pizza wasn’t incredible enough, out of no where we get this delivered to the table.  They really are wonderful!  Even wondered where we had been this past weekend.  Trying to save cash is hard.  But splurging on a slice of pizza wasn’t too hard.

Meet a few great people at a networking event, which I have to say its a tad unnerving introducing yourself to people who successfully own their own GREAT businesses when you are currently not working or as I decided to say – I am currently a MUSE…. which is what I listed on my information card I dropped off with the casting agency today.  Occupation:  Muse (AKA unemployed at the moment).  Sounds so much more fun than just a bum for now.

But it was great hearing about their businesses & what better people to learn from than those who are actually DOING IT.

So what does the next few months hold?  Who knows.  If I’m lucky a few experiences & several paychecks.

& maybe even a new T-shirt along the way!

I so love this.

Cadbury Creme Kona Kinda Morning

Remember that thought I had yesterday, well today I sacrificed the egg.

all the makings of a great spring morning

But today the egg, went into the cup!

oh egg, I know I should just savor you, but I have to try this... forgive me

then in went the Kona Kcup in to the Keurig…

Coffee People, I have no idea who you are, but I love you so.

brewed right onto the egg in a favorite mug & the aroma is pure decadent bliss.

HIGHLY suggest stirring well


So why a post on candied up coffee?

Because I have barely been away 2 hours and already learned that 2 friends have lost beloved pets over the night.

The first was one I knew & loved.  The second I never met, but know she was adored and pampered.

So quick how life passes.  So take a moment & savor the good stuff.  Enjoy being silly.  As I sit here sipping my cup, pug snuggled up to my side, I have THREE parrots shooting air kisses.  All 3 have joined me after their previous homes didn’t work out for whatever the reason & none came with any kissing.  Through love and caring they have learned to associate that sound as one I will respond back with.  Today they are greeting the new day & me with it.

& Bongo although he has been with me the longest, hasn’t developed this but he also doesn’t make much noise ever…. he is my adventurous explorer.  Go wink at him & he gladly will return the favor, but kissing? He just doesn’t do the noises!

Each moment is such a gift.  So precious.

My deepest sympathies to those who are grieving their loses.  My heart aches but hopes that the moments you shared, as unique as they are, keep them close to your heart & provide some comfort during this time.

Farewell Dolly.

Dolly, the only Citron Cockatoo I've ever known

You were beautiful, rare & adored.  I was lucky to know you.

Sights Ahead

Tonight was bliss.

That’s the best way to describe the date I had with myself. Bliss.

One of the thing I have always wanted to try was having my palm read by someone who knew what they were actually doing.  It was one of the things I regretted not having done sooner in life as I rode to the hospital to have the 1st operation on my hand.  I had spent just over the prior week looking for a palm reader that seemed legit & that I could trust to no avail.  I thought for sure that after the surgery & the scars that followed that it would never be the same or an option to have read.  Like wearing a ring on that finger, I said good bye to that dream.


I took this picture before surgery knowing it might be the last chance to see it before scars. The finger didn't move, but the skin was still together.

Thankfully, like wearing a ring, I was wrong.  It can & has now been done!

Yup check that one off the life list!

Had an amazing experience tonight having my palms read & then two separate sessions with a couple of amazing psychics! Blew my mind how on target they were and how much ahead there is too come. Lots of confirmations and reminders.

So wonderful & one of the things that the palm reader reminded me to do was journal.  She mentioned that I had a lot of stories to tell & I needed to get them out.  I admitted it was something I had gotten into a while back, but other than blogging (which there is a point where my story ends & others’ begin – thus I need to respect their rights & stop) – I hadn’t been journaling over the past few years.

So afterward, after I soaked in all the information, I treated myself to a new journal.

& that crystal on there is the rose quartz, a love stone, that I blindly picked.  Nothing else to say about that here, but very optimistic about my future.

The old adage about good things coming to those who wait, just may be true after all in some aspects of life!

Also I am a tad excited about tomorrow morning!!!

German chocolate cake coffee?? Hellzya! I was tempted to taste tonight, but I knew I would be up all night!  So tomorrow morning it is.